Hyunjin International Com Corp
The person in charge
Kiseh Yang
67-12, Sanghyeon-ro, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do (16937)
Hyunjin International Com Corp
We are an established family-run business group manufacturing the healthcare socks in Korea. Established in 1995, we have a distinduished experience in socks manufacturing and good reputation from our esteemed customers. We specialise in manufacturing healthcare socks such as medical ceramic foot massage socks, diabetic socks,and non-binding socks.
Our web site www.socksmart.net presents a representative gallery of socks which we have recently made alongside samples and we manufactured for our premium customers. We are not limited to the selection of socks styles and finishes shown on this web. We have a proven track record of working with our customers in order to make development of their own socks products in conjunction with our significant socks manufacturing experience. We have a vast array of tooling and have as access to most components and materials in our socks manufacturing facilities.
What we do
We are specialized in manufacturing such healthcare socks as foot massage socks, diabetic socks and non-binding socks. Our web site (www.socksmart.net) presents a representative gallery of socks which we have recently made, along side samples we manufactured for our premium customers. We are not limited to the selection of socks styles and finishes shown on this web site. We have a proven track record of working with our customers in order to make the development of their own socks products in conjunction with our significant socks manufacturing experience. We have a vast array of tooling and have an access to most components and materials in socks manufacturing.