A new innovation smart lock for delivery vehicles, ‘DELOCK’
A smart solution for delivery drivers who have to open and close the rear door of the truck more than 100 times a day! Transform inconvenience and anxiety into convenience and safety! Delivery Smart Lock “DELOCK”
Introduction to 'DELOCK; products
A delivery driver with a manual key mechanical lock on the cargo truck.
A delivery driver feel inconvenience to open and close with a key
The delivery driver frequently forgets to lock the door with a key
The delivery driver are anxious about the theft of delivery items
1. Safe automatic locking -Lower the lever, Just it locked itself safety!
2. One-touch automatic opening -One touch unlocked itself easily without a key
3.Easy self-installation -Never required professional skills or high-end equipment! Easy self-installation
4. Excellent waterproof performance -Reliable durability even during the summer rainy season Superior waterproofing
5.Strong aluminum body -Strong and durable with special aluminum alloy
6. Convenient smartphone app key -If you register on your smartphone for the first time.
7. Long-lasting battery life -More powerful battery life
8. Mechanical emergency key - Foolproof mechanical emergency keys
9. Intrusion and damage warning - Triggers an intrusion alarm when forced to break in DeLock
10. Safety cover technology - Upon initial registration or battery replacement Safety cover technology that only opens when unlocked
11. Strong locking bolt - 150% up in size and breaking strength compared to mechanical locking bolt
12.Remote control key (optional purchase) - A remote controller delkey that can be used as a public key in a shared trucks.