Keep the children safe.
a lovely smile
Cloth stickers, brooches, key rings.
Children's safety and fashion
Stickers make us feel like a part of something bigger than ourselves. Whether a sticker features a fictional character, sports team, band, school, church, political affiliation, or message, it holds the power of making people feel like they're a part of a larger group.
As a whole, stickers are often humorous and light-hearted. Let stickers put a smile on your face will witticisms, funny slogans, and playful puns. The ability to easily make people laugh is part of the magic of stickers, and they even highlight your personal sense of humor to the people around you.
merger of the two
Differences between Kposlite and General Cloth Labels
Cloth stickers made with eco-friendly glue guns for children's health.
Daytime fashion items.
At night, for the safety of the children.
smiling face with sunglasses
It can be used as a cute decoration on bags, clothes, shoes.
* Points to note when washing
recommended hand wash
When using the washing machine, turn it upside down and put it in the washing net
Avoid frequent washing
No use of steaming irons and dryers
*If you have any questions, please ask directly and leave a reply