I'm Brick 365 Creative Block(Brick Human Lifes)
I'm Brick 365 Creative Block is a program based on the Dr, Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory whith helps identify your children's talent and personality, Moreover, it develops children's creative, observational ability, scientific research ability, spatial and linguistic lntelligence.
I'm Brick blocks which can learn in playing and assess children's Multiple intelligences with pure Korea Technology.
1. Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory
2. All six sides of the blocks can be used to assemble things.
3. Blocks are made with materials and colorants that are safe for children.
(children will not be harmed if they bite or put the bricks in their mouth. (should not swallow)
4. The foundation of the ""I'm Brick"" block experience is derived from the 3.5cm.
(The new Toy Safety Directive enforces high demands on safety performance, and we fully support this)
Educational Effects
1. Linguistic Intelligence
Develops effective intercommunication skills, such as proper communication and proper usage of words when role playing with the charcters in the programs
2. Interpersonal Intelligence
I'm Brick Education Program which helps children to grow in an environment of verbal and collaborative intercommunication with thier teacher and friends.
3. Physical Exercise Intelligence
Physical activity is important to many aspercts of child health and development. This program gives your child opportunities to practice small motor skills our blocks.
4. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Creativity development custom-built with organ on the basis of integral education program. Develops logical thinking skills when narrating a story in chronological order.
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