Electrical power schematic automator (HESOFT - psA)
Power drawing and x-document automatic creation solution
Device selection and cable size are automatically entered according to the load capacity standard.
Line number is automatically entered and technical x-documents are automatically created.
Key Features
Drawing standardization is possible through automatic drawing.
• Automation solution that does not require separate development
• Finished product format with key part data
• Intuitive work method identical to traditional engineering work
• Supports expansion of parts data of various manufacturers
• Excel interface
• IEC/NFPA standard support
Electrical design automation solution
What is HESOFT's Design Automation?
It is an efficient data-based design support solution that minimizes the designer's work and maximizes the reuse of existing data.
Reduction of design time by more than 80% of design process reduction, human error can be reduced to less than 5%, and x-document creation is supported.
Automation steps
ioA (PLC input/output drawing)
Step01 |
Step02 |
Step03 |
Step04 |
PLC block diagram plan |
Auto-generation of parts-based I/O |
Import and automatically process Excel I/O Data |
Automatic drawing
- PLC configuration diagram
- PLC detail drawing |
psA (power drawing)
Step01 |
Step02 |
Step03 |
Step04 |
Input design specification |
Select load type |
Single line configuration
- Automatic calculation of capacity
- Automatic line number input
- Part designation |
Automatic creation of drawings and x-documents
- Automatic creation of single-line and multi-line diagrams
- Automatic creation of production x-documents |
Improvement of innovative design method (generational change)
• A simple design tool that does not require additional training
• Increased utilization of new manpower
• Engineering know-how embedded (automatic calculation)
• Finished product form that does not require separate development
• 70% reduction in electrical design time
• Reduced error rate by 30% --> 5% compared to previous work
• Reverse engineering possible for equipment maintenance (facility --> drawing)
• Possible to produce customized drawings required by customers
• Automatic creation of production x-documents (Cover, table of contents, parts list, cable, terminal diagram, etc.)
• Support for 80% automation of electrical design work
Introduction effect
• Supports efficient work performance by reducing business processes.
The need for design automation
Low-quality drawings, non-standardized drawings, unnecessary time-consuming, additional cost loss
• Missing essential information with implicit drawing notation
• Difficult to maintain standards because each designer has a different writing method
• Causing communication problems between internal and external partners
• Inefficient working method due to graphic-based design
• Difficulty in recycling engineering data and informatizing companies
Company Overview
HESOFT has data-driven, automated electrical design technology.
We have a lot of experience in the field of electrical drawing standardization and automation technology.
The recently developed power drawing design automation solution can be integrated with PLC design automation software to accelerate the engineering design and manufacturing process.
Our technology supports standardization of drawings and data and informatization of know-how.
By recycling accumulated data, it shortens purchasing, design and manufacturing time, and maximizes production efficiency by utilizing it in maintenance work.
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