Learn Korean in your language!
Learning Korean is actually a lot easier than you think
TutorKlang is a special online platform for Korean language learners to receive their language services through their own personalized service from experienced teachers anytime you want.
[Disadvantages of other language platforms & programs]
- Expensive tuition and payments
- Private tutoring can be very expensive
- Time consuming
- Accessibility and transportation
- Unavailable classes during weekends
- Personalized learning and good quality education can be hard to find
with TutorKlang, you can learn Korean from home and Speak Korean in just 2 months!
Key Features
1. Platform which allows people from different parts of globe to learn Korean language at their desired time to the teacher they choose to learn.
2. Composed of more than 30 professional Korean language experts and 200 community tutors.
3. People from 140 different countries enjoy the service.
1. Can learn Korean language anytime, anywhere with no constraints to space.
2. Can choose one's own prefereable instuctor and time slot.
3. Can get to learn from teacher to who speaks one's convenient language such as English, Mandarin or French.
How to use
1. SIgn up tutorklang.
2. FInd a teacher and contact him / her.
3. Choose a type of lesson.
4. Porchase Tutor-k credits.
5. wait for teacher's Response for your Lesson Request.
6. Lesson Accepted: Prepare for the Lesson.
7. Have your Lesson.
• Make sure your computer or device has the appropriate software/hardware needed to
• Complete your lesson. This includes:
• Skype, Google hangouts, WeChat, Line (your Communication Tool options).
• Be sure that your Communicaion Tool is correctly downloaded and installed.
• We highly recommend that students ues a computer with a microphine and webcam for the best learning experience. Headphones are also recoommeded.