CASMOLY EP - 00,0,1,2,3
General E.P. Grease
⊙ Description
CASMOLY EP series are very suitable for general use, as it is based on high-refined mineral oil and blended with various additives appropriately. It provides outstanding lubrication on many kinds of parts due to excellent extreme pressure, oxidation stability, and anti-wear property.
⊙ Characteristic
- Excellent resistance for extreme pressure
- Good oxidation stability
- Service temperature: -20℃ ~ +140℃
⊙ Main ingredients
- High-refined mineral oil
- Lithium soap
- Additives for EP, oxidation stability and anti-wear property
⊙ Application
- All sorts of bearings under E.P.
- Joint and spline shaft
- Any parts for EP and anti-wear property
⊙ Packing
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