Leather Dye
Get deep natural colors with excellent leveling property and Property and penetrability
[Product Features]
• Excellent dye penetrability
• Lower migration
• Availability for topping color
• Coloring of natural leathers (Cowhide/Calfskin, Pigskin, Sheepskin, etc.)

Company Overview
TAICHANG specializes in the manufacture of synthetic dyes. Since its establishment in 1976 TAICHANG has successfully developed inde-pendent technologies in the fields of leather, fur and paper dyes and has been the driving force behind the fur dyes industry's expansion into domestic markets.
New technology of Food dyes has made a valuable contribution to Korea's ink industry by enabling replacement of imports from depending entirely on import. Futhermore, through not only strengthening our core business such as solvent dyes, DTP for Nylon and aniline black but also promoting IT domain cooperation business, we are acitively moving forward in order to achieve expension of Korea Dye Industry and a sustainable future.
TAICHANG'S vision "Service is our business" holds the key message from our employee's mission to take the lead in providing the optimal service beyond the quality for customers. TAICHANG will constantly try to become the company for fair competition keeping the balance for an environmental responsibillty. Furthermore, based on the technology and capabillity accumulated so far, TAICHANG promises to dedicate greater effort in creating quailty innovation of high value-added products and customer satisfaction management in order to be a world-class company.