The person in charge
Mi Seon Cho
62 IT valley-gil Gonggeun-myeon, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do (25209)
Saturn Bio Tech Co., Ltd
Sun Tzu’s Art of War says “If you know your enemy and yourself, you can win every battle.” Everyone will know the word and “Know yourself!” of Socrates, however, it seems that there is practice it.
We think that eco-friendly farming will not be easy to succeed when starting it in an involuntary and passive mind. You will be able to approach the eco-friendly farming more easily and safely when starting it with ‘know your enemy and yourself’ of why and how.
We also think that the shortcut is providing appropriate soil for the crops by using natural fertilizer as necessary as possible after testing and knowing the soil’s state, which is the basic work in common sense, rather than trying to find any special secret method.
Convincing that eco-friendly farming will root down firmly and you can overcome all the difficulties with a sound mind and healthy body when knowing your farming conditions, your farming career & capability, and the soil’s state, and growing the crops with devotion with positive an active mind that your goal is making the customers satisfactory and healthy, we wish that our Keunson can be a little assist for your eco-friendly farming continuously.