✔ It’s a new sport that designed to be a combination of the words "kick" and "tennis". Between net, receives ball with racket and attacks by kicking with foot.
✔ Receive the ball by racket with 1 bound or no-bound, kick the ball into the other side court. Can be attacked directly without receiving with racket.
✔ Possible to play doubles or singles. (※ Vedio : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvcH2lcpaCE )
✔ KICKtennis was selected as a demonstration event for WSG (World Sports Games) 2019
[ KICKtennis Facebook Page]
[Kick Tennis Rule]
Article 1 – Court
Flat floor with no obstructions within 1M.
Article 2 – Court Area
- Base Line – 5x10M
- Serve Line – 4x8M
- Serve/Receive start Line – 4M from net
- Net Height – 64.72CM (golden ratio court length x 16.18%)
Article 3 – Game Uniform
Any comfortable clothes are allowed.
Article 4 – KICKtennis Ball
The ball used for KICKtennis is shape of “ball in ball”. For inside ball, filled with air and mixed liquid, outside is a polyurethane with 32 holes of mesh structure. The diameter of the ball is 10CM(±3CM), weight 56g, and the ball is dropped from 1.5 meters from the floor of the stadium, and it jumps 60 to 80 centimeters.
Article 5 – KICKtennis Racket
The standard size of the racket is 53CM length, and the rim is 34cm long and 22cm wide with an ellipse and weighs 162g.
Article 6 – Net
The length of the net is 5.14M width 22CM.
Article 7 – Line
The serve line has a width of 4cm, the color is white or a visible color, tape or paintline, and when the ball touches any part of the serve line or base line is a safe.
Article 8 – Team
Director 1, singles match 1, doubles match 2, and 3 or more for Many people match.
Article 9 – Referee
The Head Judge has all the authority of the court and is responsible for it. The judges will give the courts and sub-options with Coin toss.
Article 10 – Serve
1. When serving, spread legs shoulder widely and stand parallel to the net. Handing over one-bounded ball to the other side with racket.
1-1. The starting point of the racket is in front of the leg close to the net and the arm and racket must be straight down and kept in a straight line until the beginning and end.
1-2. For the direction of the hand, back of the hand should be faces the other side.
2. The game starts from the outside of serve/receive line.
- If the ball doesn’t cross the net, or if the server’s body touches or get in to serve/receive line, loss a point.
- Serve starts with whistle of the referee. The serve is from the moment the ball left server’s hand and the ball reaches after swing with racket.
- Regardless of whether or not they serve, winning will count as a score.
- It’s normal play if the ball crosses the net even if the ball hits the net.
- The serve is done alternately, i.e. the first px-layer has an even score total and the next px-layer serves when the score sum is odd.
Article 11 – Receive
- Stand out of serve/receive line. When the other px-layer served, receive the ball in serve line.
- Loss a score once you get into the serve/receive line before serve.
- Blocking is not allowed.
Article 12 – Attack
- Receive the ball by racket with 1 bound or no-bound, kick the ball into the other side court. Can be attacked directly without receiving with racket.
- Receive can only be allowed with racket, attack with foot only.
Article 13 – Lose a point
- The ball is out of line.
- The ball 2 or over touched.
- The ball didn’t cross the net.
- When the ball didn’t cross the net within 4 touches (floor, racket, floor, foot).
- The ball crosses net without attack touch(foot).
- When serve/receive, px-layer’s body gets in or touches serve/receive line.
- Px-layer’s body, cloth or anything exclude ball touches net.
- The ball touches roof.
Article 14 – Score
11 point each set
Article 15 – Court Change
Change court when each set ends. In 5set, change court when 6 point.
Article 16 - Match
- 4 Touch Play (floor, racket, floor, foot)
- 3 Touch Play (floor, racket, foot)
Article 17 – Double Match
- One px-layer serves twice.
- Assume Team A (A1, A2) / Team B (B1, B2)
- A1 starts to serve, B1 receives and B2 attacks with foot. A2 receives A1 attacks.
- A1 serves again, B2 receives and B1 attacks with foot. A2 receives A1 attacks.
Article 18 – Multi Px-layer Match
- 3 or more form a team
- Touches ball with racket and attack with foot. (each px-layer has to touch at least once)
- Other rules are same with match
Article 19 – Set
A best-of-five series
Article 20 – Beach KikTennis
No Bound. Receive with racket and cross by foot without bound.
※Basic Skill
1) Defense
1. Forehand Receive – palm against the opponent when receives ball with one-bound or no-bound.
2. Backhand Receive – back of the hand against the opponent when receives ball with one-bound or no-bound.
2) Attack
1. Instep Kick – the most basic skill which kicks the ball with the top side of foot
2. Inside Kick – kick the ball with wide part of foot inside
3. Direct Kick – kick the ball in the air before it falls to the ground (before one-bound) or receive with racket but before the ball falls to the ground.
4. Sole Pushing Kick – cross the ball by pushing with sole
5. Toe Kick – kick the ball with toe
6. Heel Kick – kick the ball with heel
※Term Explanation
1. Net Touch - Px-layer’s body, cloth or anything exclude ball touches net
2. Racket Touch – two-touch means the ball touches racket twice / over-touch means ball touches racket over 2 times
3. Out – ball goes out each line
4. Bound – no-bound – doesn’t touches court’s floor / one-bound – touches once / two-bound –touches court’s floor twice
5. Over Ball – Receives ball with no-bound or one-bound. The ball crosses net without attacking with foot.