Portable Food Sealing Machine is full automatic, LCD Display, film anti-film wrinkle removal feature(patented), Sealing and cutting one shot with easy and simple function, Electrostatic SMART touch control, daily packing counter, multiple safety system, Smart Program by materials. you can set the temperature, speed, step, quick saving for tray speed setting. This is the best solution for food packaging in department stores, restaurants and show shops. 5 different set programs(Automatic only), two step, manual setting ia alaso avaiable.For our users' safety, we adapted UPS(Ultra Power Saving) to make easier, clearer, and more safe. Entire sealing area points pressureized device with powerful motor. Optional devices such as eye mark auto recognition sensor, dual heater unit. Various types of heater set. compatible with more tha 20 types of heater set to choose from. CE Certificate.