Dual Label
for Pharmaceutical Company
What is a Dual Label for Pharmaceutical Company?
⦁ The dual label is formed in one or two x-layers that can be peeled off just like the skin of an onion. It can be reattached in a way to allow the printed content of inner side to be seen semi-permanently. It is a special label in which “the content of a manual is printed”.
Patent Application
⦁ A sticker with multiple x-layers, and the method to manufacture it
⦁ A method for manufacturing a sticker
⦁ A sticker for protecting a message
Strong Points of the Dual Label for Pharmaceutical Company
⦁ A fixed adhesive part that will not be separated completely is arranged.
⦁ A handling part that makes it easy to use the label is prepared.
⦁ A special adhesive that allows the label to be detached and attached semi-permanently is applied.
⦁ A non-adhesive part that can be reattached easily is arranged.
⦁ As the top x-layer is thin, causing no separation of the label long after it is reattached.