Water is not the same as water!
Water purifier purifiers absorb all the ingredients and minerals in the water, which is the same as the drinking water.
A product oriented towards healthy water.
It is a product that has an ion generating function through constant functions and electrolysis.
It is a rare product that has been tested as a medical device that has been effective in the fourth-generation gastrointestinal disorder.
It is divided by a pH index of 1 to 4 stages.
Step 1 : 8.5 / Step 2 : 9.5 / Step 3 : 9.5 / Step 4 : 10.0
When you turn on the power source, it is basically the basic setting for the Arcalris.
When cooked rice is cooked beforehand, it is cooked in advance by boiling rice in an alkali ion for about 30 to 60 minutes, and cooked rice is polished and tasty.
- When a car is boiled, it loses its bitter taste and aroma, and gives it a unique taste and aroma.
Drinking too much alcohol, hangover, and drinking too much before bedtime, and you should drink about one or two cups of sake in the morning.
Sake, cocktail : It tastes mild and soft, and it tastes better if you make ice and eat it.
* 100% of the water admitted will be converted into the electrolytic reduced water. (No waste water)
* Washing water for electrode (cathode) is not required (No waste water)
* No malfunction is likely to occur, because an overcurrent protection circuit is not required
* Generating quality active hydrogen
* The cluster (water particles) is so small that swallowing is softer and tender
* All the organic matters are oxidized so that the product will give a good taste of water.
* Bacteria in the water is fully sterilized through the electrolyzer.