In 1998, we developed the world's first innovative product as a "portable fire extinguishing tool" without safety pins for children, the elderly, women, and the disabled.
Existing fire extinguishers require replacement, inspection, and recharge every year, and once used, there were many difficulties such as economic losses
in which many fire extinguishing agents were sprayed, inconvenience that caused damage to the surrounding environment,
and inconvenience of removing safety pins. And the elderly, the women, the children, the disabled couldn't use it.
However, our company compensated for the weaknesses of the existing fire extinguisher, making it available to the elderly, women, children, and the disabled, 6.5cm in diameter, 16cm in height,
and 350g in weight, and innovating the technology to safely use it in cars, from minus 30 degrees to 80 degrees Celsius.
Unlike other similar products, fire extinguishing agents does not harden as a liquid type rather than powder, and has an effective period of 8 years to make it a cost-effective product.
And it increased safety and efficiency by adjusting the spraying distance to 4m, and received type approval and KC mark from the Korean government agency
This product is an innovative public service product that can be used easily and conveniently by fire victims such as the elderly, women, children, and the disabled.
It is a product for the benefit of public interest, which can be used
at any time, with it placed close at hand such as kitchen, camping ground,
restaurant, hotel, hospital, bank, school, etc as a product which anyone
such as women, children, the elderly and infirm, the disabled, etc
can use easily.
In addition, this product is also used for souvenir at foundation day of, or
to outside visitors to public institutions or local governments, promotional
item of companies, free supply to senior citizens living alone or senior
citizens' center in apartments or private houses.
There is no safety pin, so if you press the button, a liquid fire extinguishing agent will be sprayed, making it easy for anyone from the elderly, women, teenagers, and the disabled to use.
Liquid fire extinguishing agent do not harden, so they can be used as long as they remain (general fire extinguisher are replaced every year), and the validity period is eight years, which is economical.
Inside the can, a fire extinguishing agent is stored in a four-x-layer bag, making it safe to be inside a car in summer, and it is made with a product that does not freeze even in minus 30 degrees Celsius weather.
[-22˚ F(-30˚ C)~176˚ F(80˚ C)]
It is excellent in extinguishing frying oil fires, car fires, and electric fires in the kitchen.
Restaurants and kitchen oil fires can be extinguished with just one product equivalent to one fire extinguisher.
Since it is a liquid fire extinguishing agent, not a powder fire extinguishing agent, it is a colorless, odorless fire extinguishing agent without residues after extinguishing the fire and is environmentally friendly using the propellant as pure air.