It is a royal product of the king.
In 1640, it succeeded in artificial cultivation for the first time.
laver is only produced from October to spring.
For food, seeds are planted in the sea in the autumn when the seeds come out.
Cut it out after harvesting to make it like paper, then dry it in the wind.
40 years ago, it was a product that could only be enjoyed in winter.
But now, with the advancement of industrial technology, we can eat anytime.
laver has distinctive luster and unique scent, and turns green when heated.
When eaten in its natural state, dietary fiber, vitamin a, iodine, and amino acids are rich in alanine and glycine.
The king likes the taste of laver.
It is good for diet because calorie is low.
It is good for children's snacks and is recommended to eat with wine and beer.
- content amount 15g(5g*3bag)
- characteristics: reasonable volume,proper seasoning and diverse flaver(Kimchi,Wasabi,Bulgogi)