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dosirack gim

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  • MOQ
    100 ea
  • Country of sale
    Asia, Americas, Middle East
    • FOB

      USD 16.00

      (1 Set)


  • Brand
  • origin
    Republic of Korea
  • Size(Capacity)
    5g*3bag *30pack
  • Dimensions
  • Material
  • Weight
  • Expiry Date
    12 months


It is a royal product of the king.
In 1640, it succeeded in artificial cultivation for the first time.
laver is only produced from October to spring.
For food, seeds are planted in the sea in the autumn when the seeds come out.
Cut it out after harvesting to make it like paper, then dry it in the wind.
40 years ago, it was a product that could only be enjoyed in winter.
But now, with the advancement of industrial technology, we can eat anytime. 
laver has distinctive luster and unique scent, and turns green when heated.
When eaten in its natural state, dietary fiber, vitamin a, iodine, and amino acids are rich in alanine and glycine.
The king likes the taste of laver.
It is good for diet because calorie is low.
It is good for children's snacks and is recommended to eat with wine and beer.                                              
- content amount 15g(5g*3bag)                                                                
- characteristics: reasonable volume,proper seasoning and diverse flaver(Kimchi,Wasabi,Bulgogi)


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Contact Payment Manager
  • Name : Youngsun Kim


Shipping from : Republic of Korea
  • 22, Jungbo-gil, Boryeong-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea (33428)
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Shinjin Seafoods Seasonsed Laver Co.,Ltd.

Shinjin Seafoods Seasonsed Laver Co.,Ltd.

www.shinjinsusan.com Seller_Mail
  • The person in charge

    Kwangsoon Bok
  • Address

    22, Jungbo-gil, Boryeong-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea (33428)

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Shinjin Seafoods Seasonsed Laver Co.,Ltd.
1999년 설립이후 정직한 맛을 추구하며 꾸준한 성장으로 현재는 할머니 엄마 손녀의 3대에 걸쳐 김 관련업에 종사하고 있으며 앞으로도 계속 이어 갈 것입니다. 오직 초심을 잃지 않고 우리 가족이 먹는다는 생각에 위생적이면서도 고객의 입맛까지 분석 연구해 왔으며 이 원동력으로 성장을 계속 할 수 있었습니다. 한국 전통식품인 조미김을 생산하는 업체로서 코리아푸드 및 소울푸드로써 어린 시절의 추억 먹거리까지 책임지며 지난 20년간 최고 품질의 원초와 3대의 걸친 레시피와 특별한 제조가공법을 통해 고객님에게 최고의 상품을 제공해 왔습니다. 많이 만들기 보다는 원재료의 맛을 살리는 제품으로 전 세계로 뻗어가는 글로벌 김 전문 식품회사로 거듭나고 있습니다. Since its establishment in 1999, pursuing honest taste and steady growth, we are currently engaged in the seaweed industry for three generations of grandmothers, mothers, and granddaughters, and will continue to do so in the future. With the idea that our family eats without losing our initial focus, we have been analyzing and researching the taste of customers while being hygienic, and we have been able to continue our growth with this driving force. As a producer of seasoned seaweed, a traditional Korean food, as Korea Food and Soul Food, we are responsible for food for childhood memories. For the past 20 years, we have provided the best products to customers through the highest quality raw materials, three generations of recipes and special manufacturing methods. We are reborn as a global food company specializing in seaweed, expanding all over the world with products that preserve the taste of raw materials rather than making a lot.
  • Business Type :
  • Main Product :
    seasoned laver(seaweed)
  • Established :
  • Total Annual Revenue :
    Less than 100 million (KRW)
  • Total Employees :
    11~50 people


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  • Total revenue
    Less than 100 million (KRW)
  • Total export revenue (previous year in USD)
  • Number of foreign trade employees
    11~50 people


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Shinjin Seafoods Seasonsed Laver Co.,Ltd. Seller's Store
Seller's Store url
  • Response Level
      41% ~ 50%
  • Supplier Level
      Less than 100 million (KRW)
  • Transaction Level
      less than 5
  • Sushi laver
  • 92 gim