Romanti Tristick is most favorite functional dog treat.
It is highly palatable treat for dog at all life stage.
Carefully selected best raw material for Tristick support dog's well balanced nutrition.
With its unique form, it also help dog relieve his stress when they chew tristick.
Tristick has 5 different flavors with unique nutritional benefits.
1) Tri-stick Green Tea Extract ( green color)
Green tea extract is good anti oxidant and help reduce bad breath.
2) Tristick Sage ( light red color)
Sage is beneficial for bad breath and dental health.
3) Tristick Calcium ( light brown color)
Calcium helps maintain healthy teeth & bones.
4) Tristick stick Cranberry ( light orange)
Cranberry is good anti oxidant and help reduce bad breath.
5) Tristick Mix
All flavors in one ( Green tea extract, sage, Calcium, Cranberry)
* All Tristick products contain lgy and Chlorophyll which prevent cavities and tartar build up
Direction for use
Feed 5-10 piece after each meal
300g* 24EA/carton
Shelf life
18 months from ther production date
Storage conditions
store in the well closed packaging below 25c
light sensitive , store in the dark