The next generation is produced using a Detergents University in Korea nano researchers have deverloped new materials Excellent washing, bleaching/disinfection excellent, stains/remove less blood is excellent, muhyeonggwang/ilhyang natural and safe for atopic skin foam is easy to henggung.
99.999% biodegradable No softener or bleach needed
Powerful formula removes stubborn stains Maintain the best condition
for all sportswear/wool/knit
Single Use Packet For Any Occasion
New Nanotechnology
Hypoallergenidc & Non Toxic
Gets Clothes Clean
No Static Cling
Easy to Use
eco-friendly nano-liquid detergent a reassuring detergent containing only natural ingredients a detergent born from nature and returned to nature Clean seals are made using natural, high-quality nonionic surfactants, which are not LAS surfactants used in conventional detergents. Instead of reducing the amount of surfactant, which is the main cause of water pollution, by 30 ~ 60% compared to conventional detergent, we added silicon compound (silica) to increase washing power. After washing with a clean seal, the abandoned water is biodegradated by 99.9% and returned to nature.