The next generation is produced using a Detergents University in Korea nano researchers have deverloped new materials Excellent washing, bleaching/disinfection excellent, stains/remove less blood is excellent, muhyeonggwang/ilhyang natural and safe for atopic skin foam is easy to henggung.
99.999% biodegradable No softener or bleach needed
Powerful formula removes stubborn stains
Point 1 Biosafe and Hypoallergenic
silica, which are new materials of green fish, are Nano particles. They should penetrate into the cloth deeply and remove old , set dirt(stain).
Reduced the amount used of Surfactant 30%~60% than other existing detergents. The performance of green fish is excellent even if a small quantity of surfactant being used because silica
enhance cleaning power. So CleanSil is very safety detergent for Atopic skin.
Point 2 Natural citrus extract
Bleaching power and sterilizing power are excellent. You do not need to add bleach because green fish includes silica which have excellent bleaching power and sterilizing power. Function that restores the bright primary color of cloth after washing is excellent.
Ponit 3 Nano particles clean well in cold water
silica, which are new materials of cleansil, are Nano particles.
So melt well in cold water and there are few residue after washing(laundry).
Ponit 4 Whitening without optical brightener
The performance of green fish that increases the whiteness index of cloth even without using fluorescent whitening agent of stilbene structures which is known as a carcinogen is excellent.
Point 5 Swedish ecolabel Non-ionic surfactant
green fish uses nonionic surfactant the natural resolvability of which is very excellent.
Although reduced the amount used of Surfactant 30%~60%, the performance of green fish is excellent because silica enhance cleaning power.