100% organic 365 vegetables water (tea bags) is ...
We made it in effort to reduce the hassle of the customer who makes it at home and to be able to eat more easily.
Vegetable water teabag is an organic products made from five fresh vegetables in our recipe.
This purely natural product will promote your good health and prevent diseases.
How to boil the vegetable water tea bag
1.Boil the 1~2L water.
2. When the water boils, add 1 tea bag of vegetables and boil it at weak heat.
3. If you drink after 15 minutes or more, you can enjoy the unique taste and aroma of vegetable water.
100% organic 365 vegetables water (mini tea bag) is ...
This product is a miniaturized product of the 365 vegetable water teabag.
This product is also made with our devotion, but can be easily consumed at office or home.
It is a pure natural food made by drying five fresh organic vegetables (radish, carrot, burdock, mulberry, shiitake mushroom) and processing it in our special recipe.
How to enjoy mini teabag
1. Put 1 tea bag of 365 vegetables water in a cup.
2. Pour 250 ml of water at an appropriate temperature into the cup twice, total of 500ml water.
3. If you drink after 3 minutes, you can taste the unique taste and aroma of vegetables.
(refer to the attached pictures and explanations)
--- Selected as HIT500 by Small and Medium Business Administration, Selected by Hi-Seoul Awards, Certified Organic Products