Automobile Mechanism - TENEVIS
We put automoblile maechanism into sheos.
Based on scientific mechanism and technology, Tenevis is a promising, quality invention. It is no ordinary shoes.
Technology that resembles a car! Ready for a smooth ride? Tenevis providing you with smoothnes, speed, safety, and design.
CMOFORTABLE - Balance, Smoothness
To maximize balance and shock absorption, Tenvis invented the 'Balance Chip' this chip secures your feet giving you the same benefits that you would feel riding in a good car?
safety and amoothess.
DRIVING FORCE Similar - Walking, the Positive Drive
Similar to the engine of a car, Tenevis invented the 'Balance Bone' to prevent your feet from swaying and to give power and energy to your steps.
SAFETY - Protection, Safeness of Walking
To prevent the feet from deformation, Tenevis created a wide toe box.
To protect the Achilles heel, Tenevis strengthened the heel of the shoe. To provide the safeness of walking, Tenevis Sechurd the shoe from stumbling.
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR - Elegant Design
Elegant Car is in and of itself an art.
Tenevis is an art-unique. Shoe invented through the cutting edge technology, designed by the best designers.