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Seed germination machine

  • Payment
    L/C(sight) , T/T
  • MOQ
    1 Set
  • Country of sale
    Asia, Americas
    • FOB

      Depend on quantity


  • Brand
    Model RS
  • origin
    Republic of Korea
  • Size(Capacity)
    RS800 = 800KG
  • Function
    Farm Machinery
  • Features
    Seed germination of food crops


Seed Germinator
♦ What's Seed Germinator?
Seed germinator is a kind of machine which creates an optimal environment for the germination of seeds by adjusting temperature and air by itself when water and seeds are put into the system.
There are four effectiveness of seed germinator :
Firstly is to promote germination. Secondly, it improves germination rate. Thirdly uniform germination and the last one is to save labor force.
Dried rice can germinate in 1-2mm after 48 hours, 100% germination rates, except the empty heads of grain.
Depending on the capacity of a model of the machine, all seeds have uniformly germinated. After operating the machine, it is not necessary to take care of it until germination process is completed.
♦ Scope of application
♢ Seed germination of food crops
ㅇ Rice : Rice is originally growing in water and the most rice seeds will germinate in water, so it is called a rice seed germinator.
However, if the amount of air(dissolved oxygen) and temperature is not appropriate in water, rate of germination will be poor and also result in heavy loss of seeds.
In rice culture, seeds can be sown directly in the paddy and the other way is to sowing seeds collectively in small area and seedlings can be transplanted to the paddy after a certain period of time. In either case, sowing seeds after germination has an advantage.
If seed germinator is used, seeds germinate in 1-2mm after average 48 hours under 30-32⁰C. 
Consequently, four effectiveness specified above can be ascertained from the results(refer to the instruction attached separately).
ㅇ Corn : As same as that of rice culture, one way is to direct seeding and the other method is to transplanting the seedlings by hands or machine.
But it is common to sowing the seeds directly. In this case, sowing seeds after germination will result in better outcome.
Also seeds will germinate in 1-2mm within 2 days under 30-32⁰C.
ㅇ Wheat, Barley : Wheat begins to germinate within 12 hours in water, under temperature 25⁰C. After the removal of water, at this time, it can be sown or spread out in the air if sprouts need to grow and supply water once a day. 
ㅇ Potato : Due to soft texture, potato may rot in water.
So water must be put into the bottom of container as heater may be submerged and put potatoes on the bracket to be exposed.
Care must be taken at this time.
Firstly, potatoes must be put into plastic bag or sack, without binding its end pieces, to prevent it from being dried in the air and keep it smoothly close. 
Secondly, potato begins to germinate under 30⁰C, so temperature of water must be set 3-5⁰C higher because temperature of air in the container is lower than water.
ㅇ Sweet Potato :
Sweet potato is more tolerant than potato in water and also germinate in water.
However, it will be better to apply the same method of culture as specified in the potato.
Sweet potato begins to germinate at ambient temperature of 35⁰C, so temperature of water must be set at 38-40⁰C, 3-5⁰C higher as specified in the potato.
It germinates after 10 days and sprouts can be grown by transplanting.
♦ Seed germination of vegetables
ㅇ Kinds of vegetables :Small amount of vegetable seeds have been commonly used, so big sack or container is not required.
All of annual vegetable seeds do not have the dormancy period so they have no any problem in germination as well. 
Optimal temperature for tropical/temperate vegetables, such as pepper, cucumber, melon, water melon, pumpkin, eggplant, tomato, etc. must be set at 28-32⁰C, and the vegetables growing in polar or cold region at 25⁰C, respectively.
In case of spinach, seeds must be put in water of seed germinator for 1-2 days and then transfer to semi-arid condition in the air for germination. 
In this way, user should carry out an experiment on seeds in order to search for optimum condition of germination.


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Shipping from : Republic of Korea
  • 45 Sinpyeong-ro 168beon-gil, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do (12940)
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  • Address

    45 Sinpyeong-ro 168beon-gil, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do (12940)
BIOMEX We develop a device stimualting germiantion of plant seeds specially for rice seed in 1999. ♦ What's Seed Germinator? Seed germinator is a kind of machine which creates an optimal environment for the germination of seeds by adjusting temperature and air by itself when water and seeds are put into the system. There are four effectiveness of seed germinator : Firstly is to promote germination. Secondly, it improves germination rate. Thirdly uniform germination and the last one is to save labor force. Dried rice can germinate in 1-2mm after 48 hours, 100% germination rates, except the empty heads of grain. Depending on the capacity of a model of the machine, all seeds have uniformly germinated. After operating the machine, it is not necessary to take care of it until germination process is completed.
  • Business Type :
  • Main Product :
    Riceseed germinator
  • Established :
  • Total Annual Revenue :
    3~5 million (KRW)
  • Total Employees :
    Less than 5


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  • Total revenue
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  • Number of foreign trade employees
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  • Rice-seed germinator
  • Rice-seed Germinator