Products description
When we realized that unlike coffee aficionados that have different opinions about dark roasting, the mass public is so enthusiastic towards Starbucks style dark roasting, it was a wake-up call for us. Why are people adding shots and looking for strong coffee? What kind of coffee will satisfy them? After this roadmap was drawn, we started assembling numerous recipes and testing them. Then, On the star was born.
Do you want to create a deep taste with just one shot? Are you looking for coffee to put in coffee beverages such as cafe latte or macchiato?
Are you looking for inexpensive and delicious coffee beans?
Then your answer is On the star.
Aromatic and flavorful coffee beans are tailored to each brand and cafe's budget.
Coffee beans
In 2016, K-Global 300 was selected as a future creation science division by the development of the optimized soybean technology that is manufactured for the first time in the world in accordance with the characteristics of each region.
We are committed to innovation in the old coffee market, and we want to solve coffee problems with technology.
Coffee beans competition
Starbucks, East-West food, etc.