[Vecto Mode for Faster Fashion Designing]
Extensive schematic sketch library with varieties of style and designs that can easily be customized. SmartDesigner includes a built in basic schematic library. Due to this library, designers do not have to start from scratch and they can modify from the basic design, increasing efficeincy is key. In addition, the schematic library is compatible with other programs so that if you have files from another program, you may bring them to work with SmartDesigner.
[Simple Pattern Designing-Print Design]
SmartDesinger can quickly and easily find a pattern from an existing prints and replicate it in seconds. This process is very tediou in any other programs but designers can quickly and easily do this job with SmartDesigner.
[Realistic Yarn Simulation - Knit Design, Weave Design]
SmartDesigner Weave mode features yarn-dying, brushed effect, twill, thread density, thread organization, thread diameter, and this mode allows users to freely modify their design. In the Weave mode, you cna customize each yarn to your taste and even create melange colors. When designing in weave mode, checked patterns can be created in seconds.
[Simpler Color Variation - Color Mask and Color Combo]
SmartDesigner has a unique feature called color mask. Color mask uses color correction in a photo and masks the combination of specific colors. A designer, in a short time, can easily alter the colors on any photo. Color mask feature maintains the shading and the texture of the original image, while preserving the fiber. Only the selected color will be changed. This creates unlimited sample images with no extra cost to the designer.
Select an existing design, create a design or even select a template and create thousands of color combinations in just seconds. From any photo images, 3D draping, schematic view, knit, weave, etc. In SmartDesigner, you can designate the colors you like and create new combinations of color patterns. Simply choose however many colors to get tnes of thousands of image from the original sample.
[Life like 3D Draping, 3D Drape]
SmartDesigner features 3D Drape mode, it creates the most natural, true-to-life product by draping your own design. This feature allows the design to fit the body naturally, as if the model is actually wearing it. It takes into account, the wrinkles and the angle of the model. In just a few clicks, you cna achieve the maximum draping efect which will change the future of design. By using the 3D drape mode, you will be able to prevew your patterns and designs without having to pay for any additional samples.