The person in charge
SEOUL, 서울특별시, JONGRO (03092)
OPEN PEOPLE is a creative design group founded in 2012.
Humans are very capable of adapting.
So it adapts better to environmental changes than any other creature.
What do you mean suddenly?
OPEN PEOPLE has the ability to adapt
I think it is one of the obstacles to creative thinking.
When you experience any discomfort, at first you feel the discomfort greatly,
If you keep repeating, you will not feel any discomfort because of your ability to adapt.
It 's a great ability, but the problem is not getting rid of the discomfort, but getting used to it.
OPEN PEOPLE is so accustomed to find the big and small inconveniences in life,
Open mind, open idea, plus ideas
We want to create products and ideas that can reduce these inconveniences.
So you have to say, "I have this idea!" I will try to make you say,
OPEN PEOPLE will think this to be the best tribute.
Please keep an eye on it.
Thank you.