This unique approach using symbols like various kinds of icons which guide musical actslike posture, technique, musicality and harmonic expression. (For example, a falcon beak asrepresenting the firm first joint of the finger, a squatting and jumping flog as the up-and-downmotion of the wrist. etc. It contains quintessential pieces like classical sonatine by famouscomposers like Clementi , Kuhlau, and Diabelli.)Attractice to students who have grown up with computer and smartphone using simple iconsto understand the complicated and difficult concepts for the proper way to playing piano. Asonatine story line also runs throughout the interesting questions about musical expressionsand techniques, which were wondered by many young students but never asked aloud. A detailedglossay of icon definitions and related applied score with icon stickers. Motivate and lead studentsto think independently and toward owning their interpretation with less and less help of teachers