A liquid substance that forms a function of a synthetic polymer that is artificially composed of a synthetic polymer, which forms the coating membrane
Product Description
Marine biofouling may impair the operational efficiency of a ship, in severe cases causing up to a 40% increase in fuel consumption. Since the ban on tributyltin as an antifouling biocide by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
Resin, GAR-M101 is specialize in advanced resin for marine and industrial applications
Key Features
- Acrylate resin for antifoul paint(Copper based SPC)
- Low use concentrations provide cost-effective alternative to copper-based antifoulants
- Broad spectrum control of hard fouling organisms
- Long-lasting shelf life(above 24months)
- Effective in marine and freshwater environments
- Suitable for metal hulls
- Provides paint formulation flexibility
• NVC(Non-Volatile Content) 48~52 wt%
• Viscosity : 85~100 (KU; Krebs stomer)
• Acidity 6